Yevie - a Conceptual and innovative thinker committed to Carpe Diem - "Seize the Day!"

 As a lone Traveler and Coddiwompler- ie one who travels purposefully toward an unknown destination - she is on a wandering retreat around the map, serendipitously finding amazing places and people .  #lifeisgood

She drives an ancient Ford Transit Mobile home called 'The Pelimobile" because of the overlarge pelican on the bonnet.

It and the wombat on the back are characters from "My Grandmother lives in Gooligulch" by Graeme Base.

Her home in Lake Boga Vic is called Gooligulch, her grandchildren's names are scrolled across the top of the  van .

This rambling retreat from the realities of stationary life could take years if she is lucky.

She is attracted to Outback places, small towns, being away from the crowds and finding 'real' people.





At end of a day's driving she relaxes by writing the story of the day's adventures. 

Some adventures are minor, like the frog in the loo with a gecko jockey reaching up to plant a high five on your naked butt. 

Others potentially could have been disastrous

     These pages are a mix of both mine and other people's stories or adventures.

Enjoy and let me know what you think! 





Join Me on My Journey

Come with me on my trek - click the quick links below to read pages, or in the tabs above, to read our stories. Fill in the form below too, so I can send you a note and a link when I post new stories.

 .I promise not to bomb your inbox!



Spiraling Tours feels with heart & soul.

 The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart”. Helen Keller.