Welcome to GG Spiraling Tours


At end of a day's driving she relaxes by writing the story of the day's adventures. 

Some adventures are minor, like the frog in the loo with a gecko jockey reaching up to plant a high five on your naked butt. 

Others potentially could have been disastrous

     These pages are a mix of both mine and other people's stories or adventures.

Enjoy and let me know what you think! 



Published on Tuesday, December 25, 2018


2018 celebration of Christmas Eve at the Wellshot Hotel next door to the Ilfracombe Caravan Park with a visit by Santa, the morning in the Church on the corner, the evening at the Ilfracombe caravan park camp kitchen, was very different from past years of chaotic activities at home preparing for, and hosting Christmas. 
On my own, away from family & friends for the first time since 1969, this has been a time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas for me and to let go past expectations and assumptions. 
Travelling through the Outback with AB Patterson's poems about making it home for Christmas echoing in my head, I thought how much times have changed since he wrote that 
My Christmases at home have been evolving over the last 49 years into something more simple and doable, but it was also good to step back to reflect.
My only connection with family this year was limited to 
travelling around the globe on Face-time, sharing a little of all my kids & grandchildren's hot and cold Christmas'. 
I forced myself to reach out and share time with people I did not know, which was not the same as the ease and comfort of being with old friends and family, but it was ok. 
My secret hankerings for homemade Christmas cake, rum balls were satisfied by the welcoming, delicious spread provided after Mass by local stalwart Janet. 
Led by a 
skilful organist and singing Mercy Nun, we had sung Silent Night and Little Babe of Bethlehem - singing Carols was something else I was missing.
Moroccan stew shared by Polish Christos and South African Carol, the Aussie rissoles made by Rosanna & her bloke, and my rice & ham salad made up a very different fare for Christmas night. Mindful of the need for an early night for long days driving on Boxing Day we enjoyed our dinner while sharing stories of Christmas's past. Another Christmas slid by- I wonder where and what 2019 Christmas will bring...


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Author: Yevie's

Categories: GG Tours, Queensland




Grannie Evie -Conceptual and innovative thinker committed to Carpe Diem

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Years of experience and capability in Agribusiness, farming, leadership, regional community & economic development are now archived. Living in my mobile home, slowly working my way around Australia’s diverse and ancient landscape visiting ancient and modern sacred sites, meeting and listening to sacred souls, writing, photographing and being.


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 The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart”. Helen Keller.