Published on Wednesday, November 14, 2018
On a farm just out of Burren Junction lives Claw commonly known as Spot. He has a well trained main human and constantly pushes the envelope to get his way. He is legendary as he survived electrocution losing only one claw and a section of his tail. He was found crying in the bed of one of the humans with a badly burnt paw and tail. It appears that being a great hunter, he was on the trail of a mouse and poked his paw into its hole but instead of snagging a mouse, he snagged a live wire. The resulting surge of electricity moved through his body and exited via the end of his tail which was earthed as it touched the floor. While at the vets for first aid the Vet suggested he could also be made two stone lighter while he was out to it to save bringing him back into town. So Claw returned home so miserable that who knows which bit hurt the most… as he recovered the black singed section of his tail became quite brittle.
A mouse was discovered in one of the top kitchen cupboards and the young human standing on the bench suggested passing Claw up to deal with it but unfortunately, the other human stepped on his tail as she passed him up and snap! off came the tip of his tail... This resulted in a spray of blood from the tail, Claw of course howled and began to lash said tail which resulted in a spray of blood all over the walls accompanied by a shrieking of 'give him back he's bleeding!!" ignored by the young human who was focused on stuffing the cat into the cupboard and therefore not seeing the tail ends the tale of Claw's tail.
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Grannie Evie -Conceptual and innovative thinker committed to Carpe Diem
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